Coffee Science for CoffeePreneurs by CoffeeMind

Coffee Science methodology Episode 12: Peter Giulianos's feedback

Morten Episode 15

In this episode I'm talking to no other than Peter Giuliano who is the Executive Director at Coffee Science Foundation which is an organization planning, organizing and executing research projects in coffee with relevance to SCA's resarch strategy.
I was quite involve in both the education and research part of the SCAE and SCAA merger in 2016 but I lost a bit connection to it all in the chaos. Reconnecting with Peter was such a blast for me in this episode and the dialogue with him was a great inspiration and a comment to our Coffee Science podcast series. Even though I had high expectations for the level of the conversation it really exceeded what I expected and I hope everybody with an interest in Sensory Methodology will find this inspiring and clarifying as well as giving a direction for future research, education and standards for sensory evaluation and education in the global coffee community.